Dispatches from the Outdoors
Do you get restless when you spend too much time indoors? Do you start looking at maps, reading about routes, and dreaming of adventures? I totally understand and want to help you with your next escape to the outdoors.
Here’s some reading to help you with your wilderness wanderlust…
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- Camping, Firemaking
Will It Burn: Pringle
- July 10, 2023
- Cycling, Featured, Trip Reports
Camino de Santiago by
Recent Articles

Lost in the Barrens 2024, Solo Canoe Trip
In the summer of 2024 I undertook a difficult solo canoe expedition that went deep into the Canadian tundra down the Thlewiaza River, from Nueltin

Why Did Stephan Kesting Do His Solo Trip?
It was a warm June day, and I was in the hospital. The gurney rumbled through the holding area on its way to the operating

How to Build the Perfect Yoke for Portaging Your Canoe, Step by Step
Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how I built the most comfortable custom padded canoe portaging yoke ever. No more bouncing the damn boat up and down on my cervical vertebrae…

The Perfect Repair Kit for Wilderness Canoe Trips
On a longer canoe trip it’s not a question of whether your equipment is going to break but rather when it’s going to break. That’s why it’s not unusual

Lost in the Barrens, a Solo Canoe Trip on a Remote Arctic River
Trip Overview This is the story of a solo canoe trip into the Barren Lands of Northern Canada that I did in the summer of

Plastic Welding a Cracked Whitewater Boat
I recently broke my favourite whitewater boat – an Esquif L’Edge Lite – paddling the Capilano River. The river was already at a low level

What’s Better Against an Aggressive Bear, Bear Spray or a Gun?
I was working as a guide in the Yukon the summer some French tourists went hiking in Kluane National Park, saw a grizzly bear, and

How to Physically Prepare for a Long Paddling Trip
I’m getting ready for a big Arctic solo canoe expedition this summer, so I was thrilled to talk to my friend Rob Sainsbury (@so_aero on

Lessons from Low Water Paddling
One of the best things you can do to prepare for wilderness paddling trips is to go playboating, aka fooling around on local rivers in
- December 1, 2024
- Canoeing, Expeditions, Trip Reports
Lost in the Barrens 2024, Solo Canoe Trip
In the summer of 2024 I undertook a difficult solo canoe expedition that went deep into the Canadian tundra down
- November 25, 2024
- Canoeing, Expeditions
Why Did Stephan Kesting Do His Solo Trip?
It was a warm June day, and I was in the hospital. The gurney rumbled through the holding area on
How to Build the Perfect Yoke for Portaging
Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how I built the most comfortable custom padded canoe portaging yoke ever. No more bouncing
The Perfect Repair Kit for Wilderness Canoe Trips
On a longer canoe trip it’s not a question of whether your equipment is going to break but rather when it’s going to break.

- May 27, 2022
- Wilderness Safety
Type 1, 2 and 3 Fun

- July 10, 2023
- Cycling , Featured , Trip Reports
Camino de Santiago by Bike, the Coastal Portuguese Route

- February 8, 2024
- Bears , Wilderness Safety
Does Expired Bear Spray Still Work?
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